How to Use Social Media to Increase Patient Visits to Your Medspa

Med Spa Social Media Management

Do you ever wonder how some of the more than 6,000 medspa businesses on Facebook and 7,500 Instagram posts every day manage to drive patients to their practice? And if youre like most folks, you probably dont have a strategy for increasing patient visits. But it doesnt have to be that difficult or scary.

You just need to understand the power of social media and apply the right strategies. Medspa businesses have a lot of resources at their disposal when it comes to attracting new patients.

They have access to a wealth of information about their customers and potential patients through their online presence. They can post job opportunities, special events, and even request patients for consultations.

The harder part is knowing how to leverage all this information in order to get more patients into your practice. You see, not all of those Facebook likes and Twitter followers are actually interested in booking an appointment with your practice.

They just want to know where they can find you so they can schedule a visit without feeling like theyll be walking out with two pairs of pants heavy in lint.

laptop displaying social media for medspas

Medspa businesses have a lot of resources at their disposal when it comes to attracting new patients. They have access to a wealth of information about their customers and potential patients through their online presence.

They can post job opportunities, special events, and even request patients for consultations. The harder part is knowing how to leverage all this information in order to get more patients into your practice. You see, not all of those Facebook likes and Twitter followers are actually interested in booking an appointment with your practice. They just want to know where they can find you so they can schedule a visit without feeling like they’ll be walking out with two pairs of pants heavy in lint.

young kids looking at social media about med spas

What can Medspa businesses do on social media to increase patient visits?

Use images and videos to personalize patient care

One of the most effective ways to increase patient visits through social media is by using images and videos to personalize patient care. People love visual content, and by showcasing your medspa’s services and facilities, you can give potential patients a glimpse into what they can expect when they visit your practice.

Showcasing before and after photos of your patients can also help build trust and credibility.

Additionally, consider creating videos that highlight the expertise and knowledge of your staff. This can include interviews with your doctors and aestheticians, where they share insights and tips related to medspa treatments. By providing valuable information, you establish yourself as a trusted authority in the industry and attract patients who are seeking reliable advice.

Remember to optimize your visual content for social media platforms. Use high-quality images and videos, and make sure they are appropriately sized for each platform. Include relevant captions and hashtags to increase visibility and engagement.

medical spa owner looking at her social media

Make your practice as easy to visit as possible

In order to increase patient visits, it’s essential to make your practice as easy to visit as possible. Social media can play a crucial role in this regard.

Take advantage of Facebook’s “Book Now” button, which allows patients to book appointments directly from your Facebook page. This eliminates the need for potential patients to navigate through your website or make a phone call, making the booking process more convenient and seamless.

Additionally, ensure that your contact information, including your phone number, email address, and website, is easily accessible on your social media profiles. This makes it effortless for patients to get in touch with your practice and schedule an appointment.

Consider creating regular posts that highlight any special offers, discounts, or promotions. This not only incentivizes potential patients to visit your practice but also creates a sense of urgency, encouraging them to take action sooner rather than later.

male medspa owner looking at his social media marketing on laptop

Be transparent with patients and the media

Transparency is key when it comes to building trust with your patients and attracting new ones.

Use social media as a platform to showcase the expertise and qualifications of your staff. Highlight their certifications, years of experience, and any awards or recognition they have received. This helps establish credibility and positions your practice as a trusted provider of medspa services.

Furthermore, encourage your patients to share their experiences on social media. Positive reviews and testimonials can go a long way in attracting new patients. Offer incentives, such as discounts or freebies, for patients who leave reviews or refer others to your practice.

In addition to being transparent with patients, it’s essential to be transparent with the media as well. Establish relationships with local journalists and bloggers who cover health and beauty topics. Share press releases and updates about your practice to generate media coverage and increase your visibility.

Ask for feedback from patients before & after a visit

One effective way to increase patient visits is by actively seeking feedback from your patients.

Before a visit, ask potential patients about their expectations and concerns. This allows you to address any reservations they may have and provide personalized care that meets their needs.

After a visit, follow up with patients to gather feedback on their experience. This can be done through surveys, email follow-ups, or even social media polls. By listening to your patients’ feedback and acting upon it, you can continuously improve your services and attract more patients.

cell phone disp;aying social media management for medical spas


Social media can be a powerful tool for medspa businesses looking to increase patient visits. By using images and videos to personalize patient care, making your practice easy to visit, being transparent with patients and the media, and actively seeking feedback, you can effectively leverage social media to attract new patients and grow your practice. Embrace the power of social media, and watch as your medspa thrives in the digital age.

Remember, attracting patients through social media is a long-term strategy. Consistency and quality are key. Stay active on social media, engage with your audience, and provide valuable content that resonates with your target audience. With dedication and the right strategies, you can transform your medspa’s social media presence into a powerful patient acquisition tool.

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